Clubs, Societies and Associations on Romney Marsh

Romney Marsh is home to many clubs, societies and associations, catering for a variety of leisure activities.
Find what you are looking for by Name, Location or Activity.
                                                                                     NB If you help run a club etc on Romney Marsh and would like a free entry in this listing, then please Email icon email Peter the web address or details.

Clubs etc - By Name

Clubs etc - By Location

Clubs etc - By Activity/Interest

Index Icon Amateur Dramatics   Dymchurch   New Romney 
Index Icon Amenity  Dungeness   Ivychurch
Index Icon Angling   Dungeness   Dymchurch   Lydd
Index Icon
 Armed Forces   Dymchurch   Lydd
Index Icon Art  Dymchurch   Lydd   New Romney   
         St May's Bay
Index Icon Army Cadet Force
Index Icon
Index Icon Boating
Index Icon Bowls  Dymchurch   Newchurch   
               New Romney   St Mary's Bay
Index Icon Computer  Lydd-on-Sea   St Mary's Bay
Index Icon Cricket   Brookland   Dymchurch    Lydd
Index Icon Cycling
Index Icon

Index Icon Gym
Index Icon Horticulture  Flowers In Bloom
Index Icon Flying
Index Icon Football    Dymchurch   Lydd    New Romney
Index Icon Golf    Littlestone     Lydd
Index Icon Guides
Index Icon Heritage/History  Dymchurch  Lydd   
                                New Romney
Index Icon
 LItter Collection
Index Icon Martial Arts
Index Icon Masonic
Index Icon Model     Engineering    Flying 
Index Icon Motorsport
Index Icon Music
Index Icon Philatelic & Postcard

Index Icon Photography
Index Icon Pony Club
Index Icon Rotary
Index Icon Scouts   Dymchurch    Lydd    New Romney
                 St Marys Bay
Index Icon Shooting
Index Icon
 Singing   Dymchurch   Lydd   Lydd-on-Sea
                  St Mary's Bay
Index Icon Social  Dymchurch   Greatstone
               Lydd   New Romney  
               Newchurch   St Mary's Bay1   
               St Mary's Bay2 
Index Icon Walking
Index Icon Waterskiing
Index Icon
 Youth   Marsh Build & Crafts Kids Club   
               Lydd Youth Set