Clubs, Societies and Associations: Lydd-on-Sea
The Heysham Hall Computer Club meets on Thursday nights from 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. at Heysham Hall, Taylor Road, Lydd-on-Sea (next door to the Varne fish and chip shop). The club is run on a friendly and informal basis, with computers set up for use, or bring your own. If you have a computer, some help is always available on Word Processing Spread Sheets - Drawings - Photography - Web Sites.
There is no membership fee but the session charge is £2 per person.
The Seaside Singers are a group of ladies who just love to sing. They meet at the Heysham Hall, Taylor Road, Lydd-on-Sea every Monday afternoon at 2.30pm until 4.30pm. They are a very informal group, extremely friendly and welcoming to new members if you would care to join them.
Just come along and give it a try on a Monday afternoon, or if you require further information, please email Lyn or
07484 711946.