Greatstone History: 1930s Plans for Greatstone

In the 1920s, Greatstone barely existed, just a handful of properties in the area mainly used as holiday homes.
In the early 1930s, given the potential for tourism and related residential population, local Littlestone builder and Councillor Mr. C.E.Andrews had architect's plans drawn up to provide sites for over 1,370 residential properties in Greatstone.
The big charms of Greatstone were seen as its magnificent beach, its noted sunshine record, its beautiful sea air, and the sense of seclusion.

On this page, you can view two sets of plans for his proposed developments, in 1931 and 1934

Greatstone Dunes Estate 1934

Blue Line

Greatstone Dunes Extension 1931

1931 Plans
The 1931 plans showing the intended development in Greatstone

Known as 'Greatstone Dunes Extension', the properties were to be located in the area between Dunes Road  (with its Greatstone Dunes Station) and Hull Road, with the original Jolly Fisherman pub conveniently located in the southeast corner of the development (see a copy of plan below right).
There were to be 1,379 land plots for sale.

The site covered an area north to south of about 1.3 miles and east to west of about 0.3 mile, approximately 250 acres. It was bounded by the Romney, Hythe, and Dymchurch (RH& D)Railway to the east and the now Dungeness National Nature Reserve to the west, completing surrounding the then Maddieson's Holiday Camp, now Romney Sands Holiday Park (see a copy of plan above).

Greatstone Dunes Extension
Architect's plans drawn up in 1931

The plans showed

"Bungalows Erected from £200' on development with 'Concrete Roads, No Road Charges, Companys Water, Ideal Building Sites, Sea Views, Glorious Sands, Free Conveyance and Telephone Service".

In the event, such plans never materialised with just a hotel, the now Jolly Fisherman and some other facilities, including public toilets for the holiday visitors, being built in about 1935.

The shops at the east end of Dunes Road were built in the early 1960s as part of the limited development of Greatstone, which continued into the 1970s.

Today Greatstone, whilst never growing to the size envisaged in the 1930s, is a delightful place to live and visit.

Site of the original Jolly Fisherman  in 1931
Site of the original Jolly Fisherman  in 1931


Part of the 1931 plans showing the intended development surrounding the holiday camp in Greatstone
Part of the 1931 plans showing the intended development surrounding the holiday camp in Greatstone

Blue LIne

Greatstone Dunes Estate 1934

Greatstone Dunes Estate   The Sun Spot   
Free Conveyance   Tithe & Land Tax Redeemed
Gas, Electricity Bus & Railway Facilities

Houses, Bungalows & Plots for Sale      Cash or easy Terms
Apply Vendor C. E Andrews

Greatstone Plans 1934 House

Greatstone Plans 1934 House