Wednesday 26 March 2025
Please complete the form below and click on submit.
Friends of Martello24 Volunteer Steward's Details Form
1. Your Details
First Name
Postcode Email Address* * only used by the Trust for contact with you
Telephone Number * * only used by the Trust for contact with you
2. Your availability for volunteering
Please tell us about your general availabilty for volunteering May to October
Any Day of the week Saturdays Sundays Comment
3. Skills and interests
Please tell us about any skills, knowledge or experience you have that may be relevant to your volunteering.
4. Health
Martello Tower No 24 has some steep stairs and you will be expected to be able to access all the public areas of the tower. Please confirm that your health condition will enble you do do this.
or, if you have any access or health conditions that may affect this, please explain below
or discuss with one of the trustees
5. Emergency Contact Details
Please give details of someone you would like us to contact in the event of an emergency
Name Telephone Mobile Relationship to you
6. Declaration
I agree to being registered as a volunteer with the Friends of Martello24. I understand that I will be asked to read and agree to policies and procedures as laid out in the volunteer rules and I agree that I will carry out only the tasks that I consider I am fit to do.
I understand that any information given by me will be treated as confidential and only be used in relation to my voluntary work and will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Your details will be used for the Friends of Martello24’s purposes only and will not be sold or passed on to any other organisations.
Type Name Date
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