Friends of Martello24
Martello Tower No. 24 is one of three Martello Towers in Dymchurch. Owned by English Heritage, it is located just off the High Street. Martello24 is the most accurate example remaining of an original Martello Tower and is currently the only tower solely devoted to the history of the Martello Towers.
The Friends of Martello24 is a volunteer run Registered Charity (no. 1172376) set up in 2017 as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation(CIO) to advance the education of the public in the history and heritage of Martello Tower No. 24.
This to be achieved particularly by working In partnership with English Heritage. The Friends of Martello24 act as custodians of the tower on behalf of English Heritage (see below) and manage its openings to the public, both on a regular basis and bespoke visits.
The CIO also has aims to work with the owners of other historic buildings in Dymchurch to achieve greater awareness of these buildings.
The CIO works very closely with the Dymchurch & District Heritage Group concerning the provision of historical and related information.
The Objectives of the Friends of Martello24 Charity are to advance the education of the public in the history and heritage of Martello Tower No. 24 and other historic buildings in Dymchurch, Kent and the surrounding area in particular but not exclusively by arranging exhibitions, lectures, classes, and similar educational activities.
More About Us
You can find out how we came about from our Information Brief
There are six trustees:
Richard Blackwell (Chairman)
Vacancy (Secretary)
Denise Meyers (Minutes Secretary)
Andrew Ashton (Displays)
Maureen Vogt
Barry Tate
Adrian Goodsell is our Treasurer
Martello Tower No. 24
You can view more pictures in our Photo Gallery

This event was to mark the re-opening of
the tower following conservation works
We are in need of more volunteer Stewards to help with the openings of the tower. You can find out more here.
Date of the constitution (last amended): 28 March 2017 Registered Charity Number 1172376
The name of the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (“the CIO”) is the Friends of Martello24.
The object of the CIO is to advance the education of the public in the history and heritage of Martello Tower No. 24 and other historic buildings in Dymchurch, Kent and the surrounding area in particular but not exclusively by arranging exhibitions, lectures, classes and similar educational activities.
You can read our full Constitution at Friends of Martello24 Constitution.
You can view our entry on the Charity Commission website.
If you would like more information about the tower and/or to volunteer to help us open Martello Tower No. 24 and/or help in other ways, then please contact Adrian by: