Lydd Parish

The Parish of Lydd is at the southern end of Romney Marsh, with the town of Lydd and the coastal villages of Dungeness, Greatstone and Lydd-on-Sea.

The most southerly village in Kent, Lydd reached the height of its prosperity during the 13th century. Find out more

Dungeness lies on a headland on the south Kent coast formed largely of a shingle beach in the form of a foreland. Find out more

Lydd-on-Sea is a modern village facing the English Channel, mostly built after World War II. Find out more
Greatstone lies between farm land and a nature reserve to the west and the English Channel to the east. Find out more

Lydd Leaflet

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our leaflet here
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Lydd Parish



Find out about
  Index Icon Dungeness
  Index Icon Greatstone
  Index Icon Lydd
  Index Icon Lydd-on-Sea
  Index Icon Romney Marsh

  Index Icon See and Do
  Index Icon Places to Eat

Places to Stay in
  Index Icon Dungeness
  Index Icon Greatstone
  Index Icon Lydd
  Index Icon Lydd-on-Sea

            Index Icon Weather            Index Icon Tides
            Index Icon What's On        Index Icon Travel

   Lydd Partnership
   Lydd Town Council